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Produk Fiber Tekno



Backbone Core Alignment Fusion Splicer  DACAS-Digital Analysis Core Alignment System

German CNC Technique and Integrated fiber-adjust frame, which make  Performance much stable.

Fiber type identification function, V-Groove precise, high quality and low loss  Auto splicing mode, and user-friendly design 5” high resolution color LCD Touch screen, 500x Magnification

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Auto splice mode manifest Iser-friendly design. Dust-proof, water-proof, high-temprature resistance,  Adapting to various altitude and formidable nature conditions.  4,3” high resolution LCD touchscreen, 360X magnification,

Visible clearly with bare eyes, Packed with detachable 4000 mAh battery  More than 180 times of Splicing and Heating, 3 high-power white LEDs  And illuminated keypads simplifies work at night.

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Compact & Light weight  Fully Automatic Operation 5000m altitude ensures Splice Quality

SYSTEM TEST ensures the best working condition  Color LCD monitor

Pause function, convenient for scientific research  Store 8000 groups of splice results

USB & DC interface, High battery capacity, up to 260 times of continuous splice and heat .

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The worldwide spread of broadband service has stimulated the  installation of optical fiber in metro and access networks, which in  turn has increased the demand for portable and reliable test  equipment to aid the installation and maintenance of these  networks.

An automated measurement function increases working  efficiency,with a rugged design, TMO-350 series OTDR are built for  top ruggedness and versatility.

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VFL is specially designed for field personnel who need an  efficient and economical tool for fiber tracing, fiber routing  and continuity checking in optical network. It includes :

Finding the breakpoint, poor connections, bending or cracking.  in fiber optic cables. Finding the faults of OTDR dead zone.

End-to-end visual fiber identification.


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* Pocket size design

*Highly accurate unit offering 6 calibrate wavelengths

*Interchangeable Connectors

*Durable and Reliable design

*Easy to Use interfaces for error freetesting

*Rubber armor protection

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Extremely light and reliable cleaaver for the fiber optical  installation and maintenance. With the

excellent portability, it is one of the most essential tools  for FTTx applications and site splice works.

The blade is made by tungsten alloy which features  extraordinary sharp for the cleaving of optical fiber, which  enhances the performance of fusion splice or mechanical  splice.

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ODP4C001 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point – 4 Cores


ODP-4A fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 4 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP8C005 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point – 8 Cores


ODP-8A fiber access termination box is able to hold up to 8 subscribers. It is  used as a termination point for the feeder cable to connect with drop cable  in FTTx network system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP8C004 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point – 8 Cores PLC Box Type


ODP-8C fiber access termination box is able to hold up to  8 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP12C01 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point – 12 Cores


ODP-12A fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 12 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP16C09 Double Lock Optical Distribution Point -16 Cores Adapter Type


ODP-12A fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 12 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system. It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP16C01 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point -16 Cores Adapter Type


ODP-16C fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 16 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system.

It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP16C11 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point -16 Cores PLC Box Type


ODP-16D fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 16 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system.

It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP24C01 Keylock Hole Optical Distribution Point -24 Cores


ODP-24A fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 24 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system.

It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODP32C01 Single Lock Optical Distribution Point -32 Cores PLC Box Type


ODP-32A fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 32 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system.

It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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ODC48C01 Mini ODC-48 Optical Distribution Cabinet


ODC48C01 fiber access termination box is able to hold up  to 48 subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the  feeder cable to connect with drop cable in FTTx network  system.

It integrates fiber splicing, splitting, distribution,  storage and cable connection in one solid SMC protection  box.

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ROS2C002 Series Fiber Rossette – 2 Cores


FRB-2C series fiber rossette box is able to hold up to 2  subscribers. It is used as a termination point for the drop  cable to connect with patch cable in FTTH indoor  application.

It integrates fiber splicing, termination,  storage and cable connection in one solid protection box.

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Steel Tube Type PLC Splitter


FIBER TEKNO provides a high precise steel tube type PLC splitter

for the construction of optical network . Low requirements of placing

position and environment, compact micro type design. It is especially  suitable for tiny room installation and can be easily placed into  different types of terminal boxes and distribution boxes.

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ABS Box Type PLC Splitter


FIBER TEKNO provides high precise box/cassette type  PLC splitter for the construction of optical network.

Low requirements of placing position and environment,  compact cassette type design, can easily be placed into  Optical Fiber Distribution Box, optical fiber junction box or any  kind of box, which can reserve some space.

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Mini Box Type PLC Splitter


FIBER TEKNO provides high precise mini box/cassette type PLC splitter  for the construction of optical network. Low requirements of placing  position and environment, compact cassette type design, can easily be  placed into optical fiber distribution box, optical fiber junction box or  any kind of box, which can reserve some space.

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Modular Box Type PLC Splitter


FIBER TEKNO provides high precise modular box type PLC splitter  for the construction of optical network. Low requirements of  placing position and environment, compact modular design, it is  designed to be placed into optical fiber distribution box, ODF  frame, fibertermination box and fiber distribution cabinet.

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Fiber Pigtail and Patchcord


Pigtail and patch-cord are connected single fiber cable or duplex fiber cable. Varies connectors such as FC,SC,ST and LC are available. Strict manufacturing process ensure reliable quality of the preconnectorized optical cable. All  connectors are with good environmental and mechanical performance.

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Fiber Pigtail and Patchcord 2

Fiber optic cable on white background


Pigtail and patch-cord are connected single fiber cable or duplex fiber cable. Varies connectors such as FC,SC,ST and LC are available. Strict manufacturing process ensure reliable quality of the preconnectorized optical cable. All  connectors are with good environmental and mechanical performance.

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Fiber Breakout Cable

Fiber optic cable on white background


Fiber breakout cable are designed to wrap several single cores pigtails  into one jacket to make the cabling more compact and more suitable  for ODN projects. Varies of connectors such as FC,SC,ST,LC are  available. Strict manufacturing process ensure reliable quality of the  pre-connectorized optical cable. All connectors are with good  environmental and mechanical performance.

FIBER TEKNO breakout cable offers superior optical performance, high  stability and high reliability, meet various application requirements in  FTTx construction, ODN construction, LAN, Metro network and CATV

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Fiber Preconectorized Drop Cable


Drop cable are connected single fiber cable or duplex fiber cable.  Varies connectors such as FC,SC,ST,LC,MU,E2000,DIN are available.  Strict manufacturing process ensure reliable quality of the  preconnectorized optical cable. All connectors are with good  environmental and mechanical performance.

FIBER TEKNO Preconnectorized offers superior optical performance,

high stability and high reliability, meet various application  requirements in FTTx construction, ODN construction, LAN, Metro  network and CATV.

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Fiber Field Assembly (Fastconnector)


With the rasing of FTTH construction around the world, field assembly  fiber connector FAOC is a most common solution used to terminate  optical fiber espeically for FTTx drop cable. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology enable site engineers to build a connector  upon the existing optical cable within just a few minutes, it enhances

the working efficiency dramatically, and FAOC is reusable for 10 time so it is also the most saving solution for telecom operators. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology is wildly applied in ODN construction,  especially in fiber distribution box, fiber termination box and fiber  rossette.

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Fiber Field Assembly (Fastconnector) 2


With the rasing of FTTH construction around the world, field assembly  fiber connector FAOC is a most common solution used to terminate  optical fiber espeically for FTTx drop cable. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology enable site engineers to build a connector  upon the existing optical cable within just a few minutes, it enhances

the working efficiency dramatically, and FAOC is reusable for 10 time so it is also the most saving solution for telecom operators. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology is wildly applied in ODN construction,  especially in fiber distribution box, fiber termination box and fiber  rossette.

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Fiber Field Installable Splice on Connector (SOC)


For FTTH installation and deployment,mechanical connectors have been widely  used,however unstable quality, weak durability and high maintenance cost might be  of a concern,splice-on connectors are invented to provide a more solid solution for  FTTH installation.

Splice-on connector technology has made it an integration with  fusion splicing machine to improve the field work effciency dramatically. The splice  on connector can be used not only in the field of communication but also widely  used in advanced technical fields including aero space,military,ship-building,medical  and power plant and most of FTTx Network solution.

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SC – FC – LC – Precon – Duplex Connectors


With the rasing of FTTH construction around the world, field assembly  fiber connector FAOC is a most common solution used to terminate  optical fiber espeically for FTTx drop cable. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology enable site engineers to build a connector  upon the existing optical cable within just a few minutes, it enhances

the working efficiency dramatically, and FAOC is reusable for 10 time so it is also the most saving solution for telecom operators. Filed assembly fiber  connector FAOC technology is wildly applied in ODN construction,  especially in fiber distribution box, fiber termination box and fiber  rossette.

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